Samstag, 29. September 2007

TOWNCRAFT over europe

yep - wir wollen eine film tour machen (eventl. mit band) zum gerade erschienen TOWNCRAFT MOVIE (vielleicht erinnert ihr euch noch an File13 und die ganze Little Rock scene?)

Hat wer lust? Wir checken gerade wieviel leute interesse haben und dann kann man die länge der tour usw festlegen. Soll im Frühjahr 2008 passieren.

"In the late 80s and early 90s a vibrant underground music scene emerged in Little Rock. Unlike other towns, Little Rock's scene was composed almost entirely of kids. 14-18 year-olds were booking their own shows, starting record labels, opening record stores and playing with large national acts. In the process they would build a tight-knit, flourishing underground community that existed completely outside of the High School norm and was all their own. The film focuses on the roots of the Little Rock scene, how it changed the lives of those involved, the enormous DIY ethos that has shaped the scene for the past 20 years and how the scene continues to thrive as its pioneers hit their mid-30s."

wer nicht warten - wir haben den film auch im laden :)

und hier ein trailer


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